Puerto Vallarta Welcomes You

A wagging fun weekend!

Pup Dayz are multi-day events that bring kinksters, human puppies and dogs, and the humans close to them together for fun, laughs, and great times in a fun environment! The inaugural Pup Dayz will take place in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.  

Pup Dayz is being organized by SupportPupCooper.com!  Follow us on Instagram @pup_dayz and stay tuned to this page for more details as our plans unfold. If you'd like to receive updates to your inbox, Register NOW!

Whats the Purpose of PupDayz?

We will have five days and four nights of hangouts, games, and opportunities to create new connections including outings to bars, beach and pool parties, shared sunsets, and a low key vibe game night!

What means to be a Pup?

A pup is a human who role plays as a dog or puppy - it can be social, sexual, or a combination of the two. Some pups wear costumes or gear like a real bio dog would wear, and some just live the fantasy without gear!